Ivory Duo Piano Ensemble's
Blackheath Piano Studio
Cultivating excellence in music performance
Pianistic Traditions:
There is a lot of research about the handing down of specific approaches to piano technique and interpretation and how these can be seen as national schools and/or centred around important teachers/performers. National schools are for example the French school of pianism with its jeu perle, and the Russian. See such an explanation of lineage here: CLICK TO VIEW
Individual teachers of great fame include Leschetizky, Liszt, Vengerova. Read here below for the pianistic traditions we represent as a teacher-pupil list:
Jacob Lateiner, professor, Julliard School of Music
Dimitri Toufexis, piano professor/former Head of Music Dept., The American College of Greece & Attiko Conservatory, Athens, Greece
Natalie (1988-1992, 1994-1997 & Panayotis 1990-1994)
Dr. Schick, professor West Chester University of Pa. and author
Natalie (Dr. Schick taught chamber music and Natalie was his assistant for accompanying, 1992-94)
Di Bonaventura
Dr. Timothy Blair, Professor/Dean, Music Dept, WCU
Natalie (Dr. Blair was Natalie's teacher for piano pedagogy 1993-1994)
Johaness Brahms* and Clara Wieck Schumann
William Masselos, professor, Julliard
Dr. Donna McHugh, professor, WCU
Natalie (Dr. McHugh was principle solo piano performance tutor 1993-1994)
*After his early piano lessons with Otto Cossel, Brahms studied piano with Eduard Marxsen, who had studied in Vienna with Ignaz von Seyfried (a pupil of Mozart) and Carl Maria von Bocklet (a close friend of Schubert).
Leschetizky & Zaremba (teacher of Tcaikovsky and himself pupil of great pedagogues such as John Field and Moscheles)
Joseph Lhevinne
Sasha Gorodnitsky
Dr. Bedford, piano professor, WCU
Natalie (piano solo performance, 1992)
Artur Schnabel
Maria Curcio Diamand
Elena Riu, piano professor, Trinity Laban Conservatoire, London (duet coaching & solo piano performance, 2005-2007)
Panayotis & Natalie
Franz Liszt
Martin Krause
Claudio Arrau
Elizabeth Powell, piano professor, New South Wales Conservatory (part of University of Sydney)
Panayotis (piano solo performance, ASCM, 1986-1990)
Pierre Zimmerman
Antoine Marmontel
Antonin Marmontel
Marguerite Long Pierre Zimmerman
Elizabeth Powell (as above)